Infant Room Goals
Nurture and Growth
1. To nurture the physical and emotional development of each child.
2. To introduce the children to new experiences through music, singing, reading books, outdoor lay, walks(stroller)
3. To promote interactions with the other children.
4. To promote age appropriate self-help skills (feeding him or herself bottle/finger foods)
5. To promote development of small and large muscles, hand/eye coordination

Discovery and Learning
Toddler's Goals
1. To continue to nurture the physical and emotional of children.
2. To encourage children to interact with other children in a positive manner.
3. To encourage children to explore the environment.
4. To encourage positive social interaction with their peers(circle time)
5. To promote learning through the use of play, singing, reading, block play,water table, fine and gross motor activities.
6.Promote self-help skills(toileting, feeding him/herself, using utensils when appropriate, taking off coat & hat etc.)
7. To continue to develop fine & gross motor skills.

Discovery and Learning
Pre-School Goals
1. To encourage children to explore their environment
2. To encourage and promote positive interaction skills with their peers.
3.To promote literacy skills through the use of play, reading, books, singing, circle time, art,block, play,sand table
4.To promote and encourage the developments of fine & gross motor skills.
5.To continue to devolop self-help skills(toileting, undress,dress, cleaning up after themselves.
6. To continue to nurture the physical & emotional growth of the child
7. To help them develop self-discipline and the ability to live cooperatively with others
8.To prepare children for school.

Discovery and Learning
School-Age Room
Our goal  is to provide our School Age children with a clean, safe, healthy, developmentally appropriate learning environment where they are encouraged to develop a life long love of learning.
Our classrooms are ‘center based’ with theme related activities in learning centers designed to encourage children’s cognitive, social, emotional and physical development. We understand that school age children have a variety of needs after a busy day at school. Some children need to relax, some need to begin their homework, and some need to stretch their muscles.